Friday, September 27, 2013


Welcome to the 2013-2014 school year and to my new blog “In the Loop with the Supt”.  I plan to use this blog to share information with you about educational issues, initiatives and innovations in the Nash-Rocky Mount Public School System. 

As an educational professional with 25 years experience, I have learned that as a system, we must develop ways to increase our engagement in the many conversations in the many sectors related to our profession and the real work we do on behalf of the 16,000+ students every day in our 29 schools.  We must develop varied opportunities and multiple mediums to share real-time information relative to those issues that are challenging us with our supporters, as well as those who are not friends of public education. 

I believe that to gain the necessary buy-in and transparency to effectively do our our work, we must be willing to have open and honest dialogue about the direction of our system, our new and innovative programs and areas in which we need assistance.  We have to be willing to celebrate our accomplishments and equally accept and be accountable for the things that are not going well.  

Finally, I believe that it is time for all of us to embrace the fact that we have a professional, ethical and moral responsibility to be voices in the public discourse. We can no longer allow misinformation or skewed rhetoric to go unchecked.  In short, as proud public educators, we must become unabashed, unashamed, vocal advocates for our school system, our teachers, our parents and most of all our students. It is my goal to use this forum, "In the Loop with the Supt," to do just that.  


Dr. Anthony Jackson
Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools
